Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Use Social Media in Your Next Presentation - HBR's Management Tip of the Day

July 03, 2013

Social media has changed how presentations work. Your audience can have conversations while you’re talking and project your words far beyond the room. It’s your job to participate in these discussions and gain people’s trust. Here’s how: 
  • Provide a channel. Create a Twitter hashtag for your presentation and invite audience members to use it to chat about your message. Encourage social-media discussion before, during, and after your presentation; display your hashtag on an introductory slide.
  • Ask for their input. Try presenting a partially developed idea and asking people to help you refine it through social channels. Engaging them in this way focuses their activity on contributing to your presentation, not criticizing it.

Adapted from the HBR Guide to Persuasive Presentations.

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