MIT Sloan Management Review
Magazine: Fall 2013 Research Feature
Magazine: Fall 2013 Research Feature
By Katrina Pugh and Laurence Prusak
In today’s interconnected world, networks for sharing
knowledge are increasingly important. By paying careful attention to eight
dimensions of network design, leaders of knowledge networks can facilitate
desired behaviors and outcomes.
“Knowledge networks”
are collections of individuals and teams who come together across
organizational, spatial and disciplinary boundaries to invent and share a body
of knowledge. The focus of such networks is usually on developing, distributing
and applying knowledge. For-profit and nonprofit organizations of all sizes are
seizing on this model to learn more quickly and collaborate productively.
However, for every successful network, others have lost steam due to poor
participation, goal ambiguity, mixed allegiances or technology mismatches.
Knowledge networks are as old as human commerce, as
knowledge was often implicitly exchanged in the production and exchange of goods
and services. In the medieval days of guilds and apprentices, formal networks
existed between artists, artisans and tradesmen. However, in recent years,
Web-based collaboration has streamlined the identification and distribution of
codified knowledge, at lower cost and over greater physical distance.1 In his classic 1937 article “The Nature
of the Firm,” economist Ronald Coase predicted that companies would grow larger
as information costs fell.2 Instead, we have witnessed less the rise
of company size than the rise of intercompany collaborations. The knowledge
network has been trumpeted as a model for innovation and scale — one that
capitalizes on the agility and reach of human connections while integrating
practical insight into the day-to-day work of network members. Networks can be
10 people across a handful of organizations or 1,000 people across continents
and industries.
Knowledge network members come together around a common goal
and share social and operational norms. Most researchers agree that network
members participate out of common interest and shared purpose rather than
because of contract, quid pro quo or hierarchy. However, researchers don’t
agree about the importance of formal structure, organization and leadership.
Some emphasize that members are simply “linked together by interdependent
exchange relationships” while others call for formalized roles, routines and
metrics.3 What’s clear is that knowledge network
leaders can influence members’ behavior through network design and
facilitation. And that can mean the difference between magnetism and fizzle,
between knowledge sharing and hoarding, between inspiration and cynicism.
We sought to better understand the leverage that network
leaders have. Much recent writing in both the academic and popular presses
about knowledge networks has focused on their outcomes and products, such as
knowledge diffusion, new knowledge creation, influence and intercompany and
interpersonal connectivity.4 However, there is considerably less
attention paid to how leaders systematically initiate and monitor members’
values and behaviors, for example, by reframing inherent conflicts of interest.
The question we asked was: How do leaders balance emergent, voluntary
“interdependent exchanges” with the practicalities of achieving goals?
Our initial research, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation, focused on how knowledge networks could improve the spread of
evidence about childhood and maternal nutrition. (See “About the Research.”) We
used that research to develop a model of knowledge networks, and later
validated our model in organizations outside the international health space. In
that process, we developed case studies of ConocoPhillips, the world’s largest
independent exploration and production oil company, and Women’s World Banking,
a global nonprofit that operates in 28 countries and is dedicated to providing
low-income women with access to financial tools and resources. These different
examples provided a good test for the model: At ConocoPhillips, knowledge
networks are an intermediate good, a means to an end and a vehicle to create
products or drive efficiencies. At Women’s World Banking, the creation and diffusion
of knowledge is the product — the value Women’s World Banking
brings to market.
Our initial research for the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation in 2011 studied how knowledge networks could improve the spread of
evidence about childhood and maternal nutrition — across socioeconomic,
political and geographic boundaries, and across academic, policy, health care
and tribal practice domains.i Looking across the for-profit and
nonprofit sectors, we asked network conveners, members, researchers and network
participants how they negotiated the goals of their networks. We probed into
which member behaviors resulted in the achievement of goals and which dynamics
guided those behaviors. Finally, we asked what leverage leaders could have by
explicitly designing to achieve these dynamics.
Interviewees included John Kania (FSG), John Smith
(CPsquare), Beverly Trayner (Wenger-Trayner), Merle Kummer (Tufts University
Innovation Leadership Network), Elizabeth Bradley (Yale School of Public
Health), Linda Stoddart (United Nations and Columbia University), Daniel Wilson
(Harvard University Learning Innovations Laboratory), Jo Ann Endo (Institute
for Healthcare Improvement), Sandra Willett Jackson (Strategies and Structures
International) and the members of the SIKM Leaders Community Boston Chapter.
We used that research to develop a model of knowledge
networks and later validated our model in organizations outside the
international health space. In that process, we developed case studies of
ConocoPhillips, the world’s largest independent exploration and production oil
company, and Women’s World Banking, a global microfinance nonprofit operating
in 28 countries.
ConocoPhillips has more than 10,000 unique network members
in multiple networks, yielding a membership of more than 30,000 in just over
100 global networks. Each network is purpose-driven, sponsored by functional
leadership to connect employees to just-in-time insights on topics as diverse
as production engineering and information technology solutions. “We realize
that the future of our company will be born out of a web of human
conversations,” explained Dan Ranta, ConocoPhillips’ director of knowledge
sharing. “Connecting our knowledge workers purposefully gives our company a
greater opportunity to create regular, sustainable business value.”
In 2009, Women’s World Banking launched the Center for
Microfinance Leadership, with a mission to “develop principled and visionary
leaders” for the microfinance industry.5 In 2012, Sarah Buitoni, the Center for
Microfinance Leadership’s manager for alumni networks, launched the Women’s
World Banking Leadership Community with seed funding from the Cisco Foundation.
The goals were to improve the adoption of leadership approaches in the
microfinance industry and to extend microfinance industry leaders’ support for
each other as they “re-enter” their organizations after attending a training
session or conference. “The ability to tap into and leverage a network of
experts will drive our success in being responsive to leaders’ needs,” said
Buitoni. “At the same time, this will enable us to continue to deliver
high-quality programs and raise the bar across the microfinance industry on
issues of leadership, governance and diversity.”
Four Knowledge Network Goals
Considerable research shows that unless goals are clearly
stated and agreed upon, networks can easily lose energy and underperform.6 Even if network leaders develop and
communicate these goals, this isn’t a guarantee that the goals can animate members.
We wanted to know if specific purposes and named outcomes call for different
network designs. Is the network’s primary purpose knowledge development (for
example, through convening, brokering or funding knowledge creation) or the
diffusion, scaling and absorption of ideas by knowledge network participants?
Depending on the answer, what leadership model and convening process work best?
Answers by knowledge network leaders, consultants and
researchers to these questions of designing for outcomes fall into distinct
categories. We saw some network goals that were externally focused, collective
and product-oriented — such as group coordination and knowledge-capital
publication. And we saw some goals that were internally focused or
individual-focused, such as problem solving, support of individuals, and member
teams’ translation or adaptation into their local context. We discerned four
distinct types of goals.
1. Coordination.
When coordination is a key goal, the network coordinates and
leverages members’ existing knowledge activities through its structures,
incentives and norms. For example, ConocoPhillips’ networks are focused on
coordinating specific global practices, mainly in domains related to exploration
and production. In one such network, an Australian operation identified a new
technique for underwater tank inspections that a partner-operated facility in
the North Sea adopted as well, resulting in a coordinated inspection approach
that could be optimized across geographies.
2. Learning/Innovation.
When learning and innovation are important goals, the
knowledge network commissions, accumulates and distributes knowledge for its
members’ consumption, or as a general public good. Some learning is also
inward-looking: The network learns systematically about itself and its
processes. The Learning Innovations Laboratory, run by Harvard Graduate School
of Education’s Project Zero, brings together chief learning officers across a
wide variety of global organizations. Project Zero team members convene the
knowledge network several times annually in Cambridge, Massachusetts (as well
as asynchronously). The 25 chief learning officers in the network routinely
explore changes in the landscape for corporate learning, experiment with new
practices and return to their organizations to pilot new ideas gained from
their participation in the network.7
Women’s World Banking introduced “project circles” for
members to synthesize shared practices and artifacts, such as middle management
competency models and “re-entry strategies” when alumni return to their
organizations after attending a training or workshop. Co-created knowledge
products are then published outside the community for public consumption.
At ConocoPhillips, network leaders move closed discussion
items into the enterprise-wide wiki (called OneWiki), searchable from multiple
network platforms. ConocoPhillips commissions special assignment teams, called
workgroups, to solve specific issues, creating explicit practices that are then
shared back with the networks.
3. Translation/Local Adaptation.
When translation and local adaptation are primary network
goals, teams join the knowledge network to identify and adapt knowledge to
their specific local challenges. By joining the network as a unit, they can
safely vet and translate new or controversial ideas before returning to their
home context. Teams improve their absorptive capacity when they become a
“voting bloc.” They don’t simply remix or reframe ideas but become networks
themselves, supporting each other back at home through their common experience
and vocabulary. For example, Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Institute for
Healthcare Improvement’s IMPACT communities are comprised not of individuals
but of teams made up of nurses, administrators, physicians, project managers
and pharmacists seeking to reduce medical errors and inefficiencies. By joining
other teams and “taking off the white coats,” individuals exchange ideas and
learning across hospital teams, unfettered by hierarchy. Setting aside the
political trappings of rank and power, the team members are also able to
reflect together on the relevancy or applicability of lessons about how to put
IHI’s healthcare improvement methods into practice.8
ConocoPhillips often works on a regional team-based model,
so team-driven translation comes naturally. For example, Canadian business unit
members harvested ideas from the unconventional reservoirs network that was
mainly working in the Eagle Ford geological formation area of South Texas. The
Canadian business unit members attempted to announce those ideas to their local
colleagues only after vetting them and adapting them to Canadian geological
Similarly, Women’s World Banking’s Center for Microfinance
Leadership is expanding its engagement with entire leadership teams through
in-house leadership development programs. In the next phase of its Women’s
World Banking Leadership Community, the Center is exploring how leadership
teams that have engaged in those programs can capitalize on their new shared
language to more rapidly have an impact at home.
4. Support of Individual Members.
When this is an important goal, individuals join the network
to develop, accumulate and adapt knowledge to support their own and their
colleagues’ work. Support of individual members is the most common goal of the
corporate knowledge networks we examined. We also saw this strongly in the
global health and development arenas. For example, Knowledge Management for
Development,, founded in 2000, is an approximately 3,400-member
virtual knowledge network that individuals in the international development
field can join regardless of their organizational level or accomplishments.
Freedom for an individual to ask questions without manager
scrutiny and peer criticism is a central goal of the knowledge network models
for both ConocoPhillips and Women’s World Banking. In addition to individuals
tapping the network for problem solving, Women’s World Banking has incorporated
peer coaching into its network model. For example, two microfinance leaders
from Jordan and from Uganda have peer-coached each other with daily check-ins
on the topic of time management. ConocoPhillips, meanwhile, promotes network
membership as part of the onboarding process for new employees; the company’s
knowledge networks help new and experienced hires connect up and down the
ConocoPhillips hierarchy from the start.
A Framework for Effective Knowledge Networks
Meeting any of the four goals of a knowledge network
requires members to act by capitalizing on the cohesion, conversation and
connectedness of the network. Those traits don’t just emerge out of thin air.
We sought to understand the larger effects that influence knowledge network
performance. Borrowing from the organizational learning field, we studied the
knowledge network through the lens of what is called a leverage framework. (See
“A Framework for Knowledge Network Effectiveness.”) First, we read the diagram
from left to right to see the chain of influences (Design → Dynamics →
Behaviors → Outcomes). Then, reading from right to left, we can peel back the
layers that lead to the outcomes.
Outcomes can be described as meeting the four knowledge
network goals of coordination, learning/innovation, translation/local
adaptation and support of individual members. Depending on the context, the
network achieves measurable change in the area of focus, whether that focus is
revenue, operations, job satisfaction, learning, sustainability or
Behaviors are those that are conducive to outcomes:
cohesion, demonstration of trust, connection sharing, using a common technology
platform and making investments in collaboration, such as taking time out to
answer fellow members’ questions. In a successful knowledge network, members
identify with the network and its aspirations, readily share their connections
inside and outside the network and are committed to moving knowledge sharing to
the platform so that everyone can benefit. For example, ConocoPhillips’ network
members use a discussion forum called “Ask & Discuss” to ask questions and
conduct problem solving through the platform.
Dynamics are feedback loops, the systems and structures that
sustain a given behavior. Dynamics can also be patterns of interaction with the
outside world, such as reactions to market threats and incentives. For example,
in our research for the Gates Foundation, we saw a “safety-absorption pattern”
for new ideas: To gain uptake and spread health practices, members who were
implementing the new practices needed first to safely inquire into and
troubleshoot what they perceived to be translation obstacles. Similarly,
members of the Women’s World Banking microfinance network, by participating
over time in asynchronous online Alumni Circle discussions — and live Skype
conversations — safely “try on” new leadership behaviors in the company of
other members before taking those behaviors back to their microfinance
Design encompasses the set of conditions that network
leaders explicitly put in place to trigger those dynamics and, in turn, set
behaviors into motion. Highly successful knowledge network leaders that we
interviewed saw design as either positive leverage or an Achilles’ heel. They
fluently traced disappointing outcomes through the layers of behaviors and
dynamics and finally to an overlooked design component. They explained the relationships
between design choices and the dynamics they sought and took pains to influence
those dynamics. In fact, they saw themselves as social artists, continually
tweaking the knowledge network design.
Designing Knowledge Networks for Success
Experienced knowledge network leaders that we interviewed
endeavored to create a consistency between structures (such as operating model,
charter and technologies) and strategy (such as purpose, network composition
and learning context). They used visible performance information and incentives
(such as reputation, recognition and sense of belonging) to inspire, motivate
and redirect the behaviors of the members. We identified eight design
dimensions of knowledge networks. (See “The Eight Design Dimensions of Knowledge
Networks.”) The following eight dimensions cover the spectrum — from
negotiating leadership to chartering, operating and adapting the network to
changes in the social, economic, technical and political environment. (See
“Knowledge Network Design Questions to Consider” for the questions to ask about
each design dimension.)
1. Leaders’ Shared Theory of Change.
Successful knowledge network leaders can describe the
mechanisms through which network activities will have an impact on members and
organizations. That is, they can state their theories of change. For example,
they can state whether members respond and learn from written evidence or from
visceral experiences. When they are able to discuss how the network mechanisms
work, leaders (including core teams and sponsors) are well aligned and
therefore act consistently with each other. They regularly discuss network
designs and impacts, for example, choosing the mechanisms that are conducive to
support network participants, intellectual capital development or coordination.
The theory of change is included in a strategy or charter document.
This design dimension is as much about being explicit about
how to have an impact as about how to be a leadership team. We found that good
leaders were role models, inspiring members to act, and they did not delegate
work such as being online and responding to discussions. They were routinely
visible — as a cohesive team — to the community.
For example, ConocoPhillips senior leaders have gone on
record endorsing cross-organizational knowledge sharing of their Networks of
Excellence as critical to innovation in the company’s exploration and
production process. While ConocoPhillips tends to designate senior
practitioners and subject matter experts to guide the networks, it expects
those leaders to routinely join the fray, answering posts and mentoring other
members’ contributions in a moderator role.
At Women’s World Banking, humility and inclusion are basic
ingredients in the leaders’ theory of change. For example, when a new cohort of
leaders-in-training joined the organization’s Leadership Community four months
after the network’s launch, founding member-leaders took the time to write on
the “walls” of new members to welcome them to the community.
2. Objectives/Outcomes/Purpose.
Leaders help to define the network’s purpose and target
outcomes. Outcomes can be solving a specific problem or combining forces and
knowledge. They can be classified as one or more of the network goals described
earlier, such as support of individual members. A charter or similar document
lays out the network’s objectives and purpose, which need to be sufficiently
crisp that members can state them. Objectives are best negotiated in a way that
reflects the leaders’ shared theory of change and the goals themselves.
ConocoPhillips’ Networks of Excellence are formal,
purpose-driven, global groups with clear coordination and process innovation
agendas. Their charters are vetted and approved by senior functional management
and must tie to larger global organizational metrics for productivity and
innovation. Similarly, Women’s World Banking launched the design process of its
Leadership Community by conducting consultations with microfinance leaders to
determine which knowledge network goals resonated most closely with their needs
and to model a core value and goal of the community — “leaders as experts and drivers
of their own learning.”
3. Role of Expertise and Experimentation (also called the
expert-learner duality).
Leaders need to be clear on how the network makes it safe
for even the expert to be vulnerable and learn and for the learner to speak of
bold possibilities. High-performing knowledge network leaders we interviewed
thought deeply about how to trade off showcasing experts with supporting
members who were stepping into the vulnerability of learning. The leaders did
this with a deep understanding of the disparities of knowledge in their
membership. For example, they had experts share and mentor, with learners
asking questions where there were clear knowledge differences. Or in some cases
they designed meetings (for example, using stories, questions or round robins)
to set a tone of safety and encourage humility. When grandstanding or
retreating occurred, leaders intervened appropriately.
To encourage participation, ConocoPhillips each year awards
four Networks of the Year commendations to those networks that don’t just
produce solutions but also achieve broad global participation across hierarchy
levels. And in the Women’s World Banking Leadership Community, alumni of the
Women’s World Banking Center for Microfinance Leadership participate in the
community’s core team alongside Women’s World Banking staff — thus bridging the
gap between expert, learner and convener. Community members also share stories
of survival with one another, and in their interpretation of those experiences,
community members play the roles of both expert and integrator.
4. Inclusion and Participation.
Knowledge network leaders position the knowledge network or
network program among other operations or competing organizational models. The
network’s core team explicitly defines what types of members they seek and
actively recruits them. For example, they may seek out cognitive, geographical
and professional diversity, or an amalgamation of separate social networks.
They may seek to balance technical or operational expertise with convening or
networking skills.9 Depending on the network goals, they may
guard against having employees from competing companies, have new joiners
approved by existing members or require joiners to come in teams.
For example, each ConocoPhillips network has a public
profile for attracting members. Managers encourage employees to participate in
multiple Networks of Excellence, and network leaders cross-post online
discussions to extend the diversity of participation and the quality of problem
By contrast, Women’s World Banking’s network includes
“Alumni Circles” that are private, in order to enable senior leaders to freely
share challenges they face within a trusted group. However, when posting
resources on matters pertaining to the whole community, members may (and often
do) share knowledge assets outside the Alumni Circles, for the benefit of all
network members.
5. Operating Model.
Knowledge network leaders decide what roles,
responsibilities and decision processes are needed for optimal network
operations. All stakeholders, including the public, should be described in the
operating model, and there should be clarity about how resources are allocated.
For example, there may be core team members (including managers of content,
membership, events or measurement) as well as small project teams or working
groups that assemble for just a few months to complete a task. Typical projects
for working groups might involve integrating viewpoints, conducting a survey or
drafting a policy. Operations over time are expected to change. The core
leadership team may rotate to add fresh ideas and reduce burnout. Schedules are
published and tracked.
Operating models for each of the four knowledge network
goals could be quite different. Where coordination is critical, core team
membership could include representatives of each organization. Where the
emphasis is on the individual practitioner’s learning, the operating model may
have more roles and more rotations to expand individuals’ learning and social
capital. Where the emphasis is on creation of intellectual capital, content
manager and synthesizer roles are critical. Where translation by teams of local
change agents is crucial, there may be a formal representative of each
organization who seeks to take ideas home.
ConocoPhillips’ operating model includes executive
sponsorship by functional leaders, network leadership through a core team and
support from a centralized support team. Network processes balance ad hoc
knowledge sharing with more explicit innovation, authoring and publishing.
At Women’s World Banking, the Leadership Community governing
group includes the organization’s grantor (Cisco), network member-leaders and a
support team. The support team prepares meeting topics, onboards new members,
plans platform improvements and posts training content from the Center for
Microfinance Leadership programs.
6. Convening Structures and Infrastructures.
Network leaders understand how online and real-time or live
convenings serve to build cohesion, connectivity, collaboration and engagement.
Core network teams may develop a matrix proposing what channels or vehicles are
used for what purpose and with what members. In our research for the Gates
Foundation, we found that despite much excitement about social media and
collaboration portals, network leaders and researchers named real-time human
connections (meetings, conference calls, video teleconferences) as prerequisites
for trust building and knowledge sharing. This is consistent with recent
research that found that teams’ performance correlated directly to the
frequency and variety of real-time interactions.10 The degree of face-to-face and
voice-to-voice interaction depends on the network objectives. Rapid idea
development and innovation require live discussions (online or in meetings),
while intellectual capital management requires document management and
broadcast communication.
Network leaders look for evidence of success or
failure in network participation, as well as ways to incentivize people to
join, participate and engage.
ConocoPhillips’ collaboration platforms have both document
sharing and social functionality such as discussions, activity feeds, wikis,
chat and notifications. The company emphasizes the text-based, asynchronous
mode of communication, which the company’s network leaders call “the great
equalizer” for people for whom English is a second language. Increasingly,
ConocoPhillips is bringing the network to the members, rather than making
members go out to a network platform. The company is using a feed of knowledge
network content in day-to-day process applications, such as purchasing.
Semantic analysis of users’ work (predicting what content users are more likely
to access and reuse) is shortening search and browse times on network
Women’s World Banking built a collaboration website where
members discuss topics, share documents, read activity feeds and collaborate on
wikis, chats and discussions. The nonprofit has placed a strong emphasis on
real-time interaction, using Skype to enable leaders to speak directly to each
other. The organization strives to align diversity of technology with member
diversity. “Technology allows learning to continue well after an in-person
training,” said Charu Adesnik, corporate affairs manager at Cisco. “The
[Women’s World Banking] Leadership Community is drawing together a diverse set
of microfinance leaders who now have a global platform to share best practices
and access resources that improve the impact of their services.”
7. Facilitation and Social Norm Development.
Knowledge network leaders take on the roles of facilitators
and change agents, not just project managers. They convene members in meetings,
discussions, games, events and other interactions to draw out their hidden
insights or to provoke a common curiosity.11 In high-performing networks, network
leaders agree about how to model and develop positive interactions within the
network. Social norms — such as inclusion, openness, transparency,
accountability, curiosity and quality — are integrated explicitly into the
facilitation processes. For example, respect for diversity could be conveyed in
the tone and language of meeting agendas, discussions, blogs and quick polls.
The core team members for ConocoPhillips’ networks are asked
to prod discussions, periodically nudging, playing back or “translating,” in
addition to asking probing questions. In network leader Ranta’s words, they
draw out the “know-how, know-what and know-why” to help others solve problems
and learn. Women’s World Banking Community administrators, meanwhile, play a
clear convening role but draw on members to act as facilitators of Skype calls
and webinars, thereby modeling the network’s norm that network participants own
the agenda.
8. Measurement, Feedback and Incentives.
Network leaders look for evidence of success or failure in
network participation, as well as ways to incentivize people to join,
participate and engage. One goal is to signal to outsiders and sponsors that
the network is effective. Metrics must be credible and appropriate in terms of
effort and relevance. Network performance metrics are elusive, as outcomes are
often felt at the members’ home organizations and thus are separated in space and
time from inputs like discussion participation. Leaders address these delays
between knowledge network behaviors and impacts by having a map that shows the
pathway between inputs and outcomes. There are clear checkpoints during the
monthly or quarterly schedule when network leaders look at performance data and
look at improvements to plans. Incentives include the extrinsic (community
celebrations or letters or appreciation directed to managers or network
members) as well as the intrinsic (learning something new or solving a problem
quickly). High-performing network leaders manage to minimize bureaucratic
review and tie performance to incentives quickly so that members feel pride,
connection and even healthy competition.
ConocoPhillips routinely publicizes the business impacts of
its Networks of Excellence. For example, recall the anecdote mentioned earlier
about how a North Sea business unit adopted a technique for underwater tank
inspection from an Australian business unit. The company also publishes input
statistics, such as membership and discussion posts, as well as numbers of
published lessons learned. Network participation and knowledge-sharing rates
roll up to functional and business unit performance metrics, which link to a
discretionary portion of ConocoPhillips employees’ variable compensation. Ranta
is clear on this issue: “If you are not in a network that can help your work,
or if you are not active, you are not contributing to the greater good of the
The Importance of Knowledge Network Design
In his foreword to a 2011 United Nations publication called
“Networks for Prosperity,” Jan Wouters, director of the Leuven Centre for
Global Governance Studies at KU Leuven, wrote: “Networks, formal and informal,
local and global, are increasingly important channels for pursuing policy goals
in a globalizing world.”12 Knowledge networks are clearly vital to
our connected world. Yet our research indicates that we, as leaders, must be
thoughtful about how we design and manage them. Though much network behavior is
emergent, the way network leaders catalyze action makes a difference. The
network effectiveness framework and, in particular, the eight design dimensions
offer a holistic approach for achieving collaboration, network cohesion and
broad connectivity — which, in turn, help yield the important outcomes of
coordination, learning/innovation, translation/local adaptation and participant
1. A. Jacobson and L. Prusak, “Unlocking the
$2.6 Trillion Challenge: Measuring Knowledge Transactions,” unpublished ms.
2. R.H. Coase, “The Nature of the Firm,”
Economica 4, no. 16 (November 1937): 386-403.
3. See, respectively, J.G. Stein, R. Stren, J.
Fitzgibbon and M. MacLean, “Networks of Knowledge: Collaborative Innovation in
International Learning” (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001); and E.
Wenger, R. McDermott and W.M. Snyder, “Seven Principles for Cultivating
Communities of Practice,” chap. 3 in “Cultivating Communities of Practice: A
Guide to Managing Knowledge” (Boston: Harvard Business Press, 2002).
4. N. Christakis and J. Fowler, “Connected: The
Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives” (New
York: Little, Brown and Company, 2009); and J.D. Johnson, “Managing Knowledge
Networks” (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2009).
5. “Women’s World Banking Center for
Microfinance Leadership Strategy for 2012 to 2015,” internal document.
6. E. Wenger, B. Trayner and M. de Laat,
“Promoting and Assessing Value Creation in Communities and Networks: A
Conceptual Framework,” white paper, Ruud de Moor Centrum, Open Universitat, The
Netherlands, 2011.
7. K. Pugh, B. Camson and D. Wilson, “Practices
of a Successful Knowledge Network,” working paper, Learning Innovations Labs,
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2011.
8. K. Pugh and J.A. Endo, “Jamming with the
Institute for Healthcare Improvement,” Ask Magazine, winter 2011,
9. S. Page, “The Difference: How the Power of
Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies” (Princeton, New
Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2007).
10. A. Pentland, “The New Science of Building
Great Teams,” Harvard Business Review 90, no. 4 (April 2012): 60-70.
11. K. Pugh, “Sharing Hidden Know-How: How
Managers Solve Thorny Problems with the Knowledge Jam” (San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass, 2011).
12. “Networks for Prosperity: Achieving
Development Goals Through Knowledge Sharing” (Vienna, Austria: United Nations
Industrial Development Organization, 2011), 17.
i. For an excellent bibliography on other
research about knowledge networks, see C. Phelps, R. Heidl and A. Wadwa,
“Knowledge, Networks, and Knowledge Networks: A Review and Research Agenda,”
Journal of Management 38, no. 4 (July 2012): 1115-1166.
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