Sunday, July 7, 2013

Designing Dashboards With Fewer Distractions


July 5, 2013

DETROIT — The engineers working on Honda’s new Acura MDX luxury sport utility vehicle were obsessed with giving customers more — more space in the rear seat, more fuel economy from a high-tech engine, and above, all, more apps, maps and connectivity.
But there was one feature they wanted less of: buttons.
In an effort to simplify the newest Honda vehicle, which went on sale in June, the product team was determined to streamline the instrument panel. For the new MDX model, more than 30 buttons have been eliminated. The change was emblematic of the challenge confronting automakers in the age of the connected car. How does a car company give customers the technology they crave without overwhelming them with complicated controls that can impair their ability to drive safely?
“We are trying to give our customers what they want in a way that’s going to be safe and make sense,” said Steven Feit, a senior Honda engineer on the project. “That’s the balance we are trying to get to.”
The evolution of the automobile has had many milestones, from the advent of now-common features like air-conditioning and seat belts to the development of hybrid models that switch seamlessly between gas and electric power.
Now the car has become a mobile computer packed with new entertainment options, Internet access and a dizzying array of apps that help drivers avoid traffic jams, find parking spots and locate the nearest coffee shop.
Federal regulators are struggling to keep pace. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, which oversees auto safety, recently issued voluntary guidelines for carmakers to limit the visual and mental distractions that new technology can create.
The industry is acutely aware of the issue. “We understand the stakes,” said Gloria Bergquist, the vice president for public affairs at the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, a Washington trade organization. “We can’t stop what consumers want in their cars, so we have to make the technology less risky to use.”
State of the art technology was once limited to luxury carmakers like BMW and Mercedes-Benz. But now, basic connectivity — such as linking a cellphone to a vehicle’s sound system — can be found in some of the most inexpensive, mainstream models.
And carmakers have learned some hard lessons about pushing ahead with new, unproved technology. Ford Motor, for example, has had to repeatedly revise its popular Sync system to mitigate distractions and make it easier for consumers to use. In Sync’s most recent revamping, Ford will introduce buttons, reversing the focus on touch screens and underscoring the challenge that automakers face in finding the right balance for the driver.
Each new version of a car presents an opportunity to correct previous missteps. The new MDX represents what Honda says is an effort to create “synergy between man and machine.”
“Customers want to do other things while they are driving,” Mr. Feit said. “And they are used to consumer electronics, like phones and computer tablets, keeping up with what they want.”
The new MDX has built-in cell technology that not only delivers a wide range of entertainment and Internet functions but also connects drivers directly to an Acura concierge who can locate a nearby restaurant and make reservations for dinner.
A voice-recognition feature allows drivers to select a destination for the navigation system or choose a phone number to call without taking their eyes off the road and hands off the wheel.
Eliminating physical buttons on the car’s console was crucial to improving safety. Too many buttons created too many decisions for a driver to make while the car was in motion. The new model limits buttons to major functions, like controlling the temperature.
Other features are available on a touch screen. The intent is to allow drivers to customize their car by selecting entertainment options on the screen while the vehicle is stationary, and then gain access to them by pressing a single button as they drive.
A second screen is devoted to navigation. The system can be controlled by voice commands, or destinations can be selected manually. But like many other automakers, Honda prevents drivers from changing the destination by hand while the car is moving. The MDX must be at a full stop or parked before that can be done.
“We wanted to restrict access for entering addresses until you’re stopped,” Mr. Feit said. “But you can control it by voice while you’re moving.”
As the variety of data and entertainment options grows in the car, manufacturers are increasing the safety features that help drivers avoid accidents. Because there are more distractions built into the vehicle, the car has to assist more in the act of driving.
The MDX, for example, has sensors that warn drivers of potential collisions, alert them when they stray from their lane on the road, and apply the brakes to reduce speed when an accident seems imminent. An advanced option package includes adaptive cruise control, which can automatically stop the car if the vehicle in front of it suddenly brakes to a full stop.
Where does it end? Automakers and technology companies like Google are working toward perfecting the self-driving car, in which computer systems control the actual operation of the vehicle.
Regulators are concerned that automated driving could create as many problems as it solves. Warning drivers when they stray out of a lane or get too close to another vehicle helps avoid accidents. But letting a computer drive the car is a line the industry is hesitant to cross.
“Consumers are still dubious about fully automated driving,” Ms. Bergquist said. “We believe that they still want to be in the driver’s seat.”
But being in the driver’s seat is changing with every new model. Consumers increasingly expect to be as connected in their vehicle as they are on a cellphone walking down the street.
At a recent telematics conference in a Detroit suburb, dozens of supplier firms showed off the latest gadgetry for cars. Whether it was new wireless systems or mapping functions or apps that find parking, companies were rushing to bring new services and features to cars.
One of the companies, called Here, is perfecting maps that are constantly updated with traffic information and navigation options.
“What we are seeing is the development of a car that is aware and understands the road and the environment around you,” said Dean VonBank, a vice president at Here.
Automakers are sifting through the options that technology firms are eager to install in their vehicles.
But more data for drivers could raise the level of distraction. And that is a trade-off that carmakers are becoming increasingly aware of.
“What does the customer really want?” said Jim Keller, a Honda engineer who studies distracted driving. “They want to do more in their car with less effort and complexity.”
And as complex a machine as is the Acura MDX, one of its prime selling points is pretty basic. The driver can be more connected than ever — but with fewer buttons to push.

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